Keywords: competent, foreign language communicative competence, subcompetence, motivation, motive, motivational means, prospective programmers


The relevance of the research topic consists in the fact that in the context of globalization, the proper levelof foreign language proficiency of young people is an important criterion for successful self-realization and the keyto a successful career, especially for prospective programmers. Purpose. The research is devoted to the analysis of the effective motivational ways of development of foreign language communicative competence of futureprogrammers. Methods: method of theoretical analysis, comparison method; substantiation and systematizationof scientific investigations on the researched subject and generalization of the obtained research results.Results. The article considers the essence of the concept of foreign language communicative competence,the term motivation and motive. The structure of foreign language communicative competence and its’ structureare reviewed and important subcompetences are singled out, particularly: linguistic, sociocultural, sociolinguistic,pragmatic, discursive and strategic. The types of motivations (external, internal, direct, indirect, causative)and the types of structural elements of motivation (cognitive and social motives) are highlighted.Founded on the analysis of the theoretical basis of scientific and methodological literature, the authorproposes an integrated distribution of types of motivation and corresponding motives that are part of it into twomain groups: 1) external indirect causative motivation, which is based on general socially necessary motivesand student’s responsibilities; 2) internal direct motivation, which is based on cognitive personality-orientedmotives of the student. Methods that stimulate students’ motivation to study, including active and interactiveteaching methods, as well as methods of forming cognitive interests and methods of stimulating dutyand responsibility are considered. Based on the analysis of scientific research on methodology of teaching,in particular on the topic of our investigation, effective motivational ways of developing of foreign languagecommunicative competence of prospective programmers were selected.Thus, the author of this article, following the proposed methods of stimulating motivation, identifiedthe subsequent five main motivational ways to improve the explorable competence: 1) the way of educationaldiscussion method; 2) mode of modeling situations / situational method; 3) the means of motivationalconversation; 4) mode of a role play / business game; 5) means of a collective / group studying.Conclusions. Each of the proposed means: will promote the development of previously acquired skillsof foreign language communication; will improve students’ knowledge of a foreign language; will immersethem into a close to natural “professional world”; will ensure the development of all types of speech activitiesand diversify the educational process, which will maintain the student’s interest in studying.


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