Keywords: immutation, media socialization, mass media, media space, information


The urgency of the researched problem is connected with the growing role of mass media in modern conditionsleads to change of values and transformation of identity of the person. The active growth of the role of the media,their influence on the formation and development of personality leads to the concept of “media socialization”and immutation in the media. The aim of the study is to outline the possibilities of the process of media socializationin the context of immutation in the media. The methods of our research are: analysis of pedagogical, psychological,literature, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The article analyzes the views of domestic and foreign scientistson the problem of immutation in the media and the transformation of the information space. In the context of the mass nature of the immutation of society, the concept of “media socialization” becomes relevant, which isthe basis for reducing the negative impact of the media on the individual.The author identifies the lack of a thorough study of the concept of “media socialization” in modern scientificthought. Thus, media socialization is associated with the transformation of traditional means of socialization,and is to assimilate and reproduce the social experience of mankind with the help of new media.The article analyzes the essence of the concepts “media space”, “mass media” and “immutation”. Theinfluence of mass media on the formation and development of the modern personality is described in detail.The study concluded that it is necessary to form a media culture of the individual, to establish safeand effective interaction of young people with the modern media system, the formation of media awareness,media literacy and media competence in accordance with age and individual characteristics for successfulmedia socialization. The role of state bodies in solving the problem of media socialization of the individualwas also determined. It is determined that the process of formation of media culture in youth should take placeat the level of traditional institutions of socialization of the individual.The author sees the prospect of further research in a detailed analysis and study of the potential of educationalinstitutions as an institution and a means of counteracting the mass nature of the immutation of society.


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