Keywords: worldview, reflection, world expression, spiritual and practical exploration of the world, art view, artistic image


The article says about the theoretical analyze of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literatureaccording the world expression. It`s been proven that the definition of the word «world expression» changesdepending on the direction of the study: the process of the expression in the philosophical conceptions is oneof the form of the expression in which the material unity of the world is realized through the representationof objective reality of the human mind in the process of discovering the objects of the outside world. Basedon this, information is accumulated. In psychology, from the standpoint of forming mental qualities the worldexpression is the ability to be actively targeted working with the environmental information which leads to the certain results – psychological conditions, images, feelings, concepts, emotions. In Art Pedagogy fromthe position of aesthetic and educational activities it is the Art modeling of reality in the human activity tocreate art images. From the aesthetic education this word means the full realization of the person as an objectof art activity, it brings to a valuable attitude to reality and art. It is necessary to form the personal development,the growth of consciousness and personal expression, self-realization and need for spiritual improvement. Ithas been discovered that the reflection of the world means an active person`s position in the world experienceand focuses on the interaction between the surrounding people. It is a fact that the expression of the worldexists in each personality – it is the complete system of the rational and emotional world mapping processesexpressed both internally (feelings, conditions, human qualities) and externally (activity results). The worldexpression is placed on the multi-stage presentation. The first one is the perception of the world – sensualimages of the world around. The second one is the interpretation – creative subjective conception of the image.The third is the reproduction of the objects and phenomena of the world using artistic ways.


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