Keywords: digital didactics, digital educational environment, modern digital technologies, augmented reality


The article raises the issue of transformation of classical theory of learning into digital didactics, the systemformingelement of which is the digital educational environment. The main task of the digital educationalenvironment is to expand opportunities to build an individual educational trajectory of the learner throughadaptive navigation in the learning material, the formation of interaction with a particular student to adapt the learning material according to his needs. In the offered structure of such environment the basic elementsare allocated: technologies, resources and kinds of activity in their interrelation. The purpose of the article is tosubstantiate the technologies of the digital educational environment as its structural component, in particularaugmented reality; in determining the real state of understanding, acceptance and use of this technology byteachers of general secondary education. Such general methods of scientific cognition as analysis, synthesisand generalization were used to study the problem field of the chosen topic; survey and analysis of results. Theobtained results determine the goals for the nearest design and implementation of the educational environment:strengthening the material and technical base for synchronization and consolidation of resources of all subjectsof network interaction; expanding the range of educational services through the use of digital resources; raisingthe level of professional competence of teachers to create and promote methodically literate content. The studyshowed an insufficient level of awareness and willingness of teachers to apply augmented reality technologyin their own educational activities, the strengths and weaknesses of this innovation. Conclusions. AR toolsand applications, including educational ones, have been found to be numerous and rapidly evolving. Expertforecasts for the widespread use of AR technologies in the near future update the development of the relevantdirection in teacher training, the organization of scientific and methodological laboratories with the involvementof IT specialists to create methodically sound software for augmented reality technology in education.


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