Keywords: doctoral education, educational policy, tendencies of training PhD candidates, European Higher Education Area, Council for Doctoral Education of the Association of European Universities


The article is devoted to the European educational policy analysis in the context of the PhD candidatestraining quality insurance. The aim of the study was to theoretically substantiate the main trends in the innovativedevelopment of doctoral education in the European Higher Education Area at the present stage.The methodology of the study is based on a systematic approach to the analysis of educational policy,which regulates the training of the applicants for degrees equivalent to PhD in the European Higher EducationArea. The methodological principles, the observance of which is provided by the research, include: objectivity,complexity, disclosure of contradictions of the studied subject, interdisciplinary, cultural conformity. Amongthe theoretical and empirical research methods prevail the following: analysis, synthesis, modelling, comparison, generalization of individual provisions of scientific approaches to substantiate the leading idea of the study,observation of the educational process, content analysis, statistical analysis.The study found that educational policy in the European Higher Education Area and the European ResearchArea revolves around quality priorities, both in research by young researchers and in teaching. Among the keytrends in the innovative training of the candidates for degrees equivalent to PhD, the following are highlighted:flexible institutionalization of organizational structures of higher education at the PhD level; priorityof the research component in the preparation of the applicants for scientific degrees; innovative practicesof scientific guidance; career growth and mobility of young researchers as strategic objectives of doctoraleducation; diversification of trajectories of financial support of the PhD candidates’ research.Through the period of the national educational policy reforming according to European standards,it is important to take into account the identified trends in doctoral education (eighth level of the NationalQualifications Framework) and key indicators for assessing its quality, which are most commonly practicedin higher education institutions in the EU: PhD candidates’ publications, progress in writing a research work,the qualification level of the teaching staff, etc.


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