The article considers the place of ecological culture in the system of values еof sustainable developmentof society, in particular, in the training of teachers of labor education and technology, which, in turn,are able to implement environmental education of young students. It is noted that only the correlationof scientific achievements and practical skills contributes to the formation of healthy environmental thinkingand consciousness, as well as leads to changes in individual behavior and the formation of environmentallyresponsible communities.The factors that determine the ecological orientation of the educational process are determined. Amongthem: rapid production growth, excessive consumption, large amounts of waste, etc. create a significant burdenon the planet's ecosystem. Responsible consumption and minimizing the negative impact on the environmentis a conceptual way out of the crisis in which humanity is heading. Among the local but significant steps in overcoming it is ecodesign, which is based on the formation of products from eco-materials and the use of ecotechnologiesthat take into account all stages of the product life cycle – from creation to disposal. The mainpurpose of ecodesign is to preserve natural resources.When mastering the profession, future teachers of labor training and technology in the processof project activities (including ecodesign) are offered the introduction of “upcycling” technology. The historyof the phenomenon, stages of its appearance and realization in everyday life are considered. Modern worldand domestic brands of the fashion industry, which profess the philosophy of reuse, are presented.The demonstration of the algorithm of realization of the educational and creative project of processingof textile products gives weight to results of research. Stages of search of technologies, design and actualand technological with use of various techniques which to all improve skills of students on designingand technology of tailoring are offered are offered. Thus, the main goal of ecologically oriented learning isachieved – the synthesis of theoretical principles and practical skills that enable the formation of ecologicalthinking of the future teacher.
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