• N.I. Zaichenko
Keywords: social education, social pedagogy, Spanish pedagogical discourse, Spanish teachers’ views, collective spirit


In the article the problem of change of concept “social education” contents and meaning in the Spanishpedagogical discourse of the 1890–1910-th years has been revealed. Some Spanish teachers’ views on senseand value of social education in society have been presented. It is shown that concept “social education” duringthis historical period was filled with new substantial parameters, for example, understanding of social educationas education of public solidarity and collective spirit. It is defined that the new tendency to interpretationof concept “social education” has been connected with formation of the original scientific branch – social pedagogy in Spain. At the turn of the XIX – XX centuries social cognition changed, sociological paradigmtransformed, social psychology and social pedagogy had arisen. In the Spanish national social pedagogicaltheory concept “social education” meant such values as: education of the personality as social being; fulfillmentby the personality of civil duties; education of collective spirit and public solidarity; education as learning ofsocial abilities; involvement of various social actors in educational process; implementation of education by thecommunity. Essential change of concept “social education” contents and meaning in the Spanish pedagogicaldiscourse of the 1890–1910-th years has been caused by reforms in Spain in the second half of the XIX centuryand dissemination of knowledge among the people.


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