Keywords: innovations, innovative technologies, deduction, simulation training, doctor’s education, medical student


Modernization of education is a complex and specific process that requires special abilities, knowledge,skills and considerable patience. The purpose of the study: to assess the features of the use of deductivemethod and simulation training among medical students; generalize the characteristics of innovation in education, simulation training, deduction, deductive method and their use in the training of future physicians.Methods: on the basis of scientific literature and publications to analyze the application of the deductivemethod and simulation training in the training of future physicians. Results: the article reveals the importanceand significance of the introduction of simulation training, the use of the deductive method in the trainingof future physicians. It is established that the use of the PRES method will allow to substantiate the result,clearly define the position and make a correct conclusion (to establish a clear diagnosis), which is important inthe analysis of pathological conditions in medicine. The importance of application of deduction and deductivemethod in teaching medical students is substantiated. It is demonstrated that the use of simulation technologiesin the teaching of medical students increases his motivation for the chosen specialty, promotes the formationof professional and creative thinking and approach in future practice. The introduction of innovativetechnologies, simulation training in the educational process of a student in a higher medical educationalinstitution is an important step for better mastering of theoretical knowledge and improvement of practicalskills. The use of the deductive method during the study and the practical part of the lesson will allow a medicalstudent of 4th, 5th and 6th years to assess their learning opportunities, increase knowledge and learn to justifythe results and establish correct conclusions (diagnoses).Conclusions: the use of deduction and simulation training for the training of future doctors in highermedical education will influence the already formed personality of the student and reveal the medical studentas a creative person, which is extremely important for the medical profession.


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