• Tetiana Anatolyivna Shvets
Keywords: speech and game activity, educational process, speech development, organization of educational activities, preschool education institution, preschool language didactics.


Goal. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the organization of speech and play activities of preschoolers in the context of the speech development of the child’s personality. Research methods: theoretical research and analysis of scientific literature on the problem of learning, generalization of pedagogical experience, analysis of the results of educational activities of students of preschool education, method of expert evaluations, observation, analysis of the educational process. Results. It is noted that the speech and game activities of preschoolers are implemented in the form of gamesclasses, during which the teacher uses various types of activities. It was analyzed that during the organization of the specified type of activity of preschoolers, various game methods and methods of educational activity are used: game dialogues, didactic, moving, plot-role, folk games, game speech situations, etc. Also, during speech communication, speech is used in various types of activities: cognitive, artistic, theatrical. In the future, this contributes to the development of speech and the use of various language units in the daily activities of preschoolers. The article states that in accordance with pedagogical science, it can be stated that the speech and game activity of preschoolers is an educational interaction of participants in the educational process, the basis of which is the development of speech in preschoolers through games. Conclusions. Various game methods of organizing the educational activities of preschool children are used in speech and game activities. It was analyzed that in the process of game activity, the student of preschool education reveals his own character traits, intellectual and psychological abilities. In the writings of modern scientists of psychological and pedagogical science, the issue of language development of students of preschool education was and remains relevant, and game activity is the main means of development. The article reveals the principles of speech and game activity of preschoolers, namely: the combination of play and learning components in the activity of a preschooler and a step-by-step transition from games – fun through games – tasks to cognitive activities; gradual complication of the educational task and game conditions; increasing the mental activity of the student of preschool education in solving the proposed tasks; the unity of educational and educational influences. It is emphasized that game activity is one of the best means of developing speech and thinking of preschoolers. It promotes the development of preschoolers’ feelings of joy and satisfaction, and these feelings are the main means of stimulating the active perception of language and independent speech activity of children.


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