Keywords: socio-cultural environment, institution of higher education, personality, educational process, educational space.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of the socio-cultural environment in institutions of higher education. Methods. To achieve the goal of the article, the method of theoretical analysis, the method of systematization, the method of comparison and the method of generalization were used. The results. It was determined that the large-scale participation of students in leisure programs determines the cohesion of the collective of higher education institutions, strengthens the traditions of higher education institutions, and creates a favorable social and psychological environment for higher education institutions. It has been established that in the socio-cultural educational space of higher education institutions, students and teachers are active actors, use their potential, build relationships with the environment, and reasonably define the “field” of interaction. It was found that the socio-cultural environment of higher educational institutions is oriented towards solving the problem of student socialization. It has been proven that the essential basis of the socio-cultural environment is spiritual values – customs, traditions, rites, languages, history, culture, literature, morality and law, knowledge, art, socio-aesthetic development, worldview, communication between people, methods and forms, as well as education and work as a special type of human activity. It is justified that each higher education institution must take into account the influence of the educational environment and key sociocultural factors that determine it, and provide it with creativity in the provision of educational services and the formation of an educational personality. In the course of the research, it was found that the general tasks of building a socio-cultural educational environment are students’ assimilation and impossibility of ethnocultural values and their application in professional activities. It was established that in the organization of the socio-cultural educational space of higher education institutions, which promotes the development of students’ social abilities, it is expedient to determine such factors as student-teacher interactions, attitudes to the world, cultural ties and activities. Conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to note that the socio-cultural environment of higher education institutions constantly expands the sphere of life of each student and enriches his connections with the surrounding world. The results of the study proved that the key features of the formation of the socio-cultural environment in higher education institutions are the essential nature, structuredness, openness, and hierarchy. In the perspective of the following investigations, it is planned to dig up the peculiarities of the formation of the socio-cultural environment in the institution of higher education in the conditions of martial law.


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