Keywords: ethics, professional ethics, professional code of ethics, professional ethics designer, professional ethical code of designer.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the concept and essence of the professional ethics of the designer. Results. The term “professional ethics” is deribating from the concept of “ethics”, which delayed clarifying the content of the latter. It is established that ethics is the science of essences, laws of emergence and development of morality, its specific functions, moral norms and values. One of the systemic components of ethics as a science is professional ethics. Theoretical studies have proved that the term “professional ethics” is usually used to refer to both the field of ethics theory and a kind of professional ethical code of people of a particular profession. Therefore, professional ethics, as a section of general poetic knowledge, is a doctrine that reflects the whole set of rules of behavior of a certain social group on the basis of universal moral values, taking into account the peculiarities of professional activity and a specific situation that records the moral nature of relationships caused or related to professional activity. Professional ethics, from the point of view of institutionality, is the experience of ethical codification, that is, a professional ethical code, which establishes a system of rationally understood moral principles, norms and rules generally accepted in a certain professional sphere, which people should be guided by in the performance of professional duties in the field of their chosen professional activity. According to the purpose of our research, the interpretation of the term “professional ethics” from the standpoint of the institutional approach was chosen for the fundamental definition. The professional ethics of the designer are understood by us as codified norms of professional conduct, based on ethical requirements for the profession of designer. The professional code of ethics of the designer is interpreted as a set of rules that regulate attitudes arising both in the professional environment of the designer and in the relationship between the designer and society. Conclusions. The study defines the concept of “professional ethics of the designer” from the point of an institutional approach. However, the profession of designer is characterized by the existence of specific moral dilemmas. Therefore, the prospect of further research is to determine the professional ethics of the designer, the center of which is a professional ethical code, from the point of view of metaethics.


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