Keywords: transversal competences, transversal skills, professional training, professional as a modern teacher, professional identity, lifelong education.


The article is devoted to the problem of forming the professional identity of the future teacher, determining the role of transversal competences in modern world systems of professional training of future specialists. The views of foreign scientists on the meaning of the concept of ’transversal competences’, the ways of forming endto- end competences in the process of training specialists of various specialties are considered. In the conditions of globalization of the world’s economic and social processes, the phenomenon of ’professional identity’ should be considered as the main determinant of the professional development of the personality of the future specialist. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the process of forming the professional identity of future teachers through the prism of the formation of transversal competencies in higher education institutions of Ukraine. In international documents, the concepts of ’transversal skills’ and ’transversal competences’ are defined as actual practical knowledge that is necessary for effective implementation in various professional situations. The need for future teachers to improve the acquired knowledge throughout their lives is emphasized. It was determined that the competitiveness of a modern specialist depends on the formation of the quality of knowledge, the culture of communication, the ability to think and act in accordance with the requirements and standards of the international labor market. Institutions of higher education of Ukraine are designed to create conditions for the training of innovative specialists who possess transversal competences and are able to ensure personal transversality – a new historical form of universality within the global world society. The conducted theoretical analysis is the basis for the interpretation of professional identity as an important aspect of the specific integration of personal and social identity in the professional sphere, the result of professional self-determination of the individual.


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