Keywords: transversal skills, transversal competence, professional training, educational space, lifelong education, international experience.


The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of the phenomenon of transversal competences in modern global systems of professional training of future specialists. The views of foreign scientists on the content of the concept of “transversal competence”, ways of forming transversal competences in the process of training specialists of various specialties in the educational programs of the countries of the world are considered. The conducted analysis of scientific research and international educational experience gives reason to assume that a unified approach to the definition of the concept of “transversal competences” has not been developed. In international documents, transversal skills and transversal competencies are defined as necessary practical knowledge that is necessary for effective implementation in various situations, which the future specialist will be able to implement successfully in professional and social environments. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve acquired knowledge throughout life. The competitiveness of future specialists depends on the quality of their mastery of knowledge, the culture of communication, the ability to think and act in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market. Institutions of higher education are designed to create conditions for the training of innovative specialists who possess transversal competences and are able to ensure personal transversality – a new historical form of universality within the global world society. The lack of a sufficient amount of systematic scientific and methodological support determines the relevance of the study of transversal competencies in the training of future specialists in the modern system of international educational professional training. An attempt was made to analyze the main trends in the reform of professional education in the European educational space (Bulgaria, Ireland, Portugal, Romania, Finland, etc.), which actualizes the need for a comprehensive study and use of the experience of foreign countries, taking into account the specifics of domestic realities and conducting a comparative analysis of theory, methods and international experience of organizing the training of future specialists in the conditions of modernization of the education system in Ukraine.


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