Keywords: medical education in Japan, innovation, stimulating learning, virtual and augmented reality, critical thinking, interdisciplinarity


The article presents detailed studies of innovative approaches and strategies for training medical professionals in Japan, examines educational models, technological solutions and training methods used in the professional formation of future doctors, nurses and other specialists in the field of health care. The introduction of innovations aimed at the development of critical thinking skills of doctors, a patient-centered approach in professional activity and interprofessional collaboration helps to train such specialists in the country who are able to work effectively in the complex conditions of modern medicine. The research highlights strategies for improving the quality of medical education as a competency-based approach to the development of training programs for the training of medical professionals and their constant updating, the introduction of clinical internship from the first year of study, the use of virtual reality (VR – Virtual Reality) and augmented reality (AR – Augmented Reality). in the educational process, personal and interdisciplinary approaches in training and training of doctors. The extrapolation of the Japanese experience of training medical workers to Ukrainian medical educational institutions can be useful for improving the system of training domestic medical specialists. The purpose of the study is to study and systematize modern innovative methods and approaches in the process of training medical specialists in Japan in order to determine their effectiveness and the possibility of adapting such methods to the domestic system of medical education. The main methods and methodological approaches for conducting research on the development of medical education in Japan and innovations in the training of medical specialists were the analysis of literary sources, comparative analysis and expert evaluation of the obtained results and conclusions. Japan presents its unique approach to medical education, synthesizing traditional methods and modern technologies. Japanese medical education is also integrating US experience, adapting it to its national medical training system. The training of future doctors is focused on their practical training using simulation technologies and clinical practice already from the first years of study. A key role in the training of future doctors belongs to an interdisciplinary approach to teaching, the active use of artificial intelligence in the educational process, as well as the development of professional competencies. Japanese universities are also actively integrating the research component into medical education, encouraging students to engage in scientific activities. Students are required to conduct scientific research, the purpose of which is to create projects for further development of the medical field and improvement of the health care system in the country. As a conclusion, it can be noted that in order to achieve a high level of training of medical specialists in Japan, it is necessary to apply a balanced approach to theoretical and practical training using simulation technologies, interactive methods, interdisciplinary connections and modern technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, the development of critical thinking of students, communication skills and interdisciplinary cooperation.


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