Keywords: cognitive style, learning strategies, lexical and grammatical competence


Purpose. The article aims to describe the distinctive aspects of employing the communicative and cognitive approach in the language education of prospective English teachers in higher education institutions. Methods. In our research, we use theoretical methods, including analysis and the synthesis, and empirical methods such as educational process observations, comparative analysis, information interpretation, and generalization. Results. The cognitive and communicative approach focuses on modelling authentic communication scenarios during foreign language teaching, activating students’ mental requirements, considering their cognitive styles, and tailoring individualized learning strategies. This approach underscores the active role of students in the educational process as they navigate the educational material and consciously select appropriate learning strategies. The cognitive and communicative approach is grounded in interdisciplinary and cultural educational principles. The cognitive and communicative approach effectively cultivates students’ lexical and grammatical competence, emphasizing the conscious application of their native language knowledge while considering mental patterns in the development of language skills. It places significant emphasis on students’ cognitive styles, encompassing three key components: cognitive (knowledge), affective (emotions), and behavioural (actions). Learning strategies based on these cognitive styles categorize into four primary types: memorization strategies, cognitive strategies, compensatory strategies, and emotional strategies. In the cognitive and communicative approach, the phase for introducing new lexical and grammatical structures deviates from the traditional method, encompassing several logically connected stages. These include presenting new language elements within context, ensuring the student’s conscious comprehension, and integrating them into the student’s foreign language conceptual sphere. When consolidating lexical and grammatical elements, the exercises offered to students should closely replicate real-life communication conditions, aligning with the cognitive and communicative framework for English language instruction. The selection of exercises should adhere to specific criteria, including a clear and realistic context, authentic language usage, material personalization, and the function of tasks as instruments for achieving communicative goals while practicing comprehensive language skills. Conclusions. The adoption of the cognitive and communicative approach in the training of future foreign language teachers facilitates the development of students’ foreign language communicative competence. It also activates their mental needs by considering individual cognitive styles and learning strategies choices.


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