The purpose of the articles the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogicalconditions for the formation of the worldview position of older preschool children in the process of theirsocialization. To achieve the defined goal, research methods were used: study and analysis of psychologicalpedagogicaland scientific-methodical literature, questioning, observations, pedagogical experiment, methodsof mathematical statistics. Results. Peculiarities of the formation of the worldview position of older preschoolchildren are considered. The criteria and levels of formation of the worldview position of older preschoolchildren are determined: cognitive, motivational-value, behavioral. Selected diagnostic methods for establishingthe levels of formation of older preschoolers. The essence and content of the concept of “pedagogical conditions” is specified, the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the worldview position of older preschool childrenin the process of their socialization are substantiated: the use of ethnographic tools, since the elements of nationalculture and folk traditions are one of the main subjects of understanding the surrounding reality by olderpreschool children; purposeful and systematic work with children of older preschool age, which contributesto the consistent formation of worldview positions in children; the use of problem-searching situationsand cognitive games in working with children, which encourage children to actively think and solve problems.An experimental study of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of certain pedagogical conditions was carried outthrough the implementation of the work system, which involved conducting classes, discussions, and solvingproblem-searching situations. Conclusions. It is proved that the implementation of defined and theoreticallygrounded pedagogical conditions, in particular the use of ethnographic tools, the use of problem-solvingsituations and cognitive games in working with children, purposeful and systematic work with preschoolchildren, contributes to increasing the effectiveness of the process of forming the worldview position of olderpreschool children in the process their socialization.
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