The development of computer technology and communication technologies in the early 21’st century provided a powerful impetus for a new stage in the interaction of participants in the educational process in higher education institutions, paving the way for the implementation of computer tools in pedagogical communication. The phenomenon of “e-learning” is widely used in the educational process, even in face-to-face learning, during the writing of tests, essays, abstracts, course papers, theses, etc. During the war, e-learning has become the only possible option for Ukrainians who are in constant emotional stress due to uncertainty and ambiguity. The issue of online communication culture has become acute due to the inability of participants in the educational process of higher education institutions to control their emotions. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and place of emotional intelligence in the system of communicative interaction among participants in the educational process in Ukrainian higher education institutions during offline and online learning in times of war. While writing the article, the authors used various methods of scientific and pedagogical research, including methods of studying scientific-theoretical sources (library-bibliographic methods, methods of logical text processing, methods of creative activity related to reading); methods of studying the pedagogical process in natural conditions (survey); and theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization). Methods. In the article, the authors note that in order to have effective online communication in the educational environment of higher education institutions, all participants in the educational process need not only a high level of communicative language culture and communication skills but also a proper level of emotional intelligence. Results. Emotional intelligence during stressful situations in times of war contributes to teamwork among students, fosters individual development, facilitates problem-solving, and, most importantly, prevents conflicts and emotional burnout among teachers. Overall, the development of emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in creating a resilient and humane psychosocial environment during times of war and conflicts. Conclusions. In light of this, both students and teachers should acquire knowledge, rules, and skills to apply the norms of contemporary literary language, including the epistolary style, in practice. It is important to be mindful of one’s speech and expressions, intonation, and speech volume. Avoiding errors in pronunciation, word usage, and sentence structure is crucial to prevent misunderstandings in the meaning of statements. Learning to sense one’s interlocutor, choosing the most suitable words and constructions for each situation, practicing empathy towards others, and engaging in constant reflection regarding one’s own feelings and experiences are essential aspects of effective communication. Among the aspects of emotional intelligence identified in the article for participants in the educational process are the following: emotional self-regulation, empathy, conflict resolution skills, communication skills, and resilience to stress.
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