Keywords: activity, innovative activity, innovative pedagogical activity, future primary school teachers, younger schoolchildren


The purpose of the article is to examine the essence and structure of innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers in the aspect of its successful implementation in the educational process of younger schoolchildren. To achieve the goal, such research methods as analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison and generalization of the presented material were used. Results. The article analyzes the current state of development of Ukrainian society and real changes that require primary school teachers to apply new approaches to the effective implementation of the educational process. In particular, it was determined that modern society needs a new type of people who are able to think systematically and constructively, quickly find the necessary information, make adequate decisions and produce fundamentally new ideas. This presents teachers with the task of forming an innovative culture, which ensures the teacher’s readiness to introduce innovative approaches into the educational process of general secondary education institutions. Emphasis is placed on the study of the definition of the concepts “activity”, “innovative activity”, “innovative pedagogical activity” in philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sources and their analysis as a subject of scientific research. The author considered the role of the informational component in the structure of innovative pedagogical activity of primary school teachers. It is emphasized that the information activity of future primary school teachers covers several interrelated processes, such as the search and acquisition of professionally important information, its analysis and systematization, the use of the obtained materials in pedagogical and innovative activities, and the creation of new information. Information technologies are an important tool for supporting innovative pedagogical activity, therefore the importance of studying effective methods of their implementation in the educational process of primary school is highlighted. Particular attention is focused on the importance of preparing future primary school teachers for innovative pedagogical activities in a higher education institution and giving them the opportunity to develop critical thinking, their creative abilities, use information and communication technologies and work in a team in order to ensure high quality professional education and achieve successful results in professional activity. Conclusions. According to the results of the research, the innovative pedagogical activity of future primary school teachers was considered as a specific type of pedagogical activity, the main goal of which is the formation of younger schoolchildren aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of key competencies, which promotes the choice of opportunities for free and creative self-expression of the individual through the generation and implementation of innovative ideas and updating pedagogical theory and practice. Further research in this direction can make a significant contribution to pedagogical theory and practice, help create a modern system of training highly qualified primary school teachers.


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