Keywords: stages of development of critical thinking, teaching chemistry, teaching chemistry, components of methodical system, students


The purpose of the article is to research and analyze a systematic approach to the development of critical thinking of future chemistry teachers and to create an appropriate methodological system. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: theoretical, which included the analysis of regulatory documents and special literature, current work programs and methodical support for teaching the disciplines of the chemical cycle, analysis and systematization of the obtained results for the formulation of conclusions; empirical: pedagogical experiment, surveys and questionnaires of education seekers. Results. The article examines the problem of the lack of a clear understanding of the stages of formation and development of critical thinking in future chemistry teachers in the domestic methodology, which can lead to the loss of opportunities for the systematic development of critical thinking and inconsistency with the needs of modern education. The solution to this problem is not only recognition of the importance of the development of critical thinking, but also a clear definition of the stages of its formation, the creation of a structured methodical system. A comprehensive approach was used, in which attention was focused on the development and implementation of systematized stages aimed at the development of critical thinking of future chemistry teachers. The conducted pedagogical research is aimed at identifying key factors and means that contribute to the effective development of this skill in students, aimed at determining optimal pedagogical approaches and methods. The method of formation of critical thinking was analyzed in order to improve the quality of training of future teachers and improve their professional competence as a whole. The obtained results are presented in the form of a methodical system, in which the target, content, procedural-active, control-regulatory, evaluation-resultative components are allocated. Conclusions. The proposed methodological system can become an effective tool for training qualified chemistry teachers who are able not only to transfer knowledge, but also to develop the critical thinking of their students.


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