Keywords: teacher’s functions, distance education, teacher’s professional competences


The purpose of the research is to analyze and substantiate the professional competences of the teacher in the conditions of the transformation of his functional duties caused by the emergency transition to distance forms of education. Methods. In order to obtain reliable information, we used the methods of information analysis and generalization, classification of the obtained theoretical results in order to specify the main concepts of the study, observation provided an opportunity to single out the positive aspects of the transformation of the main functions of the modern teacher. Results. The article substantiates the key reasons that determine the need to transform the teacher’s functions: technological progress, updating the content, flexibility and individualization of the educational process, the development of digital skills and support for the socio-emotional development of all subjects of education. The results of the emergency transition of the Ukrainian education system to distance and mixed learning are analyzed from pedagogical, psychological, social, economic and other points of view. This makes it possible to single out some of the consequences of such a transition: both positive and negative. The analysis of the results made it possible, firstly, to single out the updated functions of teachers (educational, educational, educational system administrator, course developer, organizer, moderator, self-education), and secondly, to identify the main problems faced by practicing teachers. To them, the respondents attributed significant time burdens due to the transformation of educational content into a digital format; decrease in educational motivation of students due to lack of traditional social mechanisms of group work; difficulty in choosing practical exercises of different levels for mastering the content of the educational material; revision of homework norms and forms in order to minimize online time; problems of empathy and the teacher’s influence on the student’s personality due to the lack of physical contact. Conclusions. The functions of the teacher are changing in the conditions of distance education, and this process requires scientific justification, the creation of a model of the transformation of the functions of the teacher in the conditions of distance education and the search for effective ways of its implementation, specific methodological recommendations for the organic combination of traditional foundations of pedagogy and modern requirements of the digital society.


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