Keywords: digital content, primary education, visualization of educational information, educational design, arrangement of graphic facilities, planning of digital educational content


The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the design of digital content for students of primary education in the context of the analysis of colors, typography and composition of digital educational materials. Research methods were: method of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, assumptions, methods of comparison, systematization and classification of data, method of generalization. Auxiliary research methods were the method of information search, as well as the bibliographic method. The results of the study proved that the problem of designing digital educational content for younger schoolchildren is extremely relevant at the current stage of reforming primary education, because the global digitization of educational materials requires innovative approaches to their quality design. The article focuses on the three main components of the design of digital educational content: composition, coloring and typography, the successful combination of which increases the results of visual perception of information by younger schoolchildren. It was found that the typology of digital educational content of primary school includes not only traditional multimedia presentations, but also school websites, entertaining educational content, videos, video instructions, multimedia guides, booklets, artistic educational projections, etc., the creation of which requires a teacher innovative design solutions. It was determined that different types of digital content should be alternated in the education of children of primary school age, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of this age period. Therefore, the methods of designing digital initial materials should also be based on the principles of individualization and personal orientation in learning. The results of the research led to the following conclusions: qualitatively designed digital educational content allows you to intensify the learning process of younger schoolchildren, activate their creativity, and increase the level of cognitive interest. Designing digital educational content based on modern educational design solutions allows creating a unique learning trajectory for each student.


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