The ongoing reforms in the Republic of Azerbaijan in education sector require preparation of high quality teachers. Competence and professionalism of the modern teacher is manifested in his high moral qualities, deep knowledge of a subject and warm and polite attitude. All of this mentioned is related to the mathematics teacher. Mathematics teacher in his pedagogical practice should accomplish a number of concepts. First of all, mathematics teacher should develop erudition in students. Mathematics teacher should not only have a deep knowledge in mathematics, but also have to be able to share acquired knowledge and experience. Mathematics teacher in his/her practice should accomplish many functions, as: communicative, cognitive, emotional expressive, conative, phatic, met language and aesthetic emotional. For instance, performance of outstanding students during the classes gives certain signals to teacher. These signals affect the teacher’s behavior and he/her practice should accomplish many functions, as: communicative, cognitive, emotional expressive, conative, phatic, met language and aesthetic emotional. For instance, performance of outstanding students during the classes gives certain signals to teacher. These signals affect the teacher’s behavior and he/she starts to prepare harder for this audience
she starts to prepare harder for this audience.
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