• N.Ye. Dmitrenko
Keywords: autonomous learning, autonomous student, level of formation of educational autonomy of student, steps of formation of student’s autonomy, conditions for formation of autonomous student


The article studies the essence of the concept of autonomous learning and highlights the main pedagogical characteristics of an autonomous student. The paper presents different views of well-known foreign researchers on the research problem of the article. It is focused on the understanding of the essence of the student’s autonomy and the functions of autonomous student while autonomous learning in psychological and pedagogical research papers. The main abilities of the student of autonomous learning are presented in
the article. The author describes the levels of student’s autonomy, among them: the level of awareness, the level of involvement, the level of intervention, the level of creation, and the level of transcendence. The ways of formation of the autonomy of the student in the educational process are determined. The article gives methodological recommendations for teachers of foreign languages in work with students in the process of implementation of autonomous learning of the foreign language. The study of the problem of autonomous learning and the pedagogical characteristics of autonomous student remain current, in connection with the increased need for self-education for the successful functioning of the individual in the society of a globalizing environment and the development of innovative technologies.


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