Keywords: artistic and aesthetic interpretation, artistic image, visual advertising image, design, aesthetics of the subject environment


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the concept of using the possibilities of artistic and aestheticinterpretation in the process of artistic design activities for the аestheticization of the artistic image.Methods. The following scientific methods were used to solve the tasks and ensure the reliabilityof the provisions and conclusions: study and generalization of theoretical and practical scientific experience,analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, artistic and aesthetic interpretation of works of art.Results. The essence of the concept of “artistic image” in its broad and narrow scientific sense is substantiatedin the article. The author analyzes the dialectical relationship of the main components of the artistic image, suchas: external form, internal form and content. The article describes the specific features of the artistic image, whichconstitute its nature as a whole. In the article the author highlights the features and specifics of understandingthe “aesthetic” in works of art in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, modern times and postmodern society.The author focuses on the relationship between the purposeful formation of the artistic image of the subject environment and the peculiarities of the request of the target audience. The author reflects the distinctivefeatures of the artistic aesthetic image from the visual advertising image. The article describes the tendenciesof transformation of the value picture of the personality under the influence of the visual advertising image. Inthe article the author analyzes various samples of modern design products. The author compares the aestheticvisualizations and semantic content of artistic images of the XXI century with analogues in the history of artand design on the example of the artistic image of man. The article describes the negative influence of quasivaluesof postmodern society on the formation of the artistic image of design products designed for differentgender and age groups. In the article the author highlights the examples of competent use of artistic and aestheticinterpretation in the design of artistic images of design products. The article describes the main possibilitiesof artistic and aesthetic interpretation in design and in the development of the designer’s personality.Conclusions. The author argues that the use of artistic and aesthetic interpretation is effective inthe aestheticization of the subject environment. The article identifies its main capabilities in art and designactivities and in the development of the designer’s personality.


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